New site ... new work

And so has winter arrived …

It’s been a while since October… This year has not been one of my favorites. Very dark year. With a lot of misery.

In this year, I have not been out more than a few times with my jewelry. There has been no market … and we know why ..Covid -19.

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Our plans to go to Estonia and visit my siblings have not been possible .. and will not be any Christmas or New Year traveling at all. Last time i saw them at the beginning of the year when we buried our beloved father.

Fall has not been more creative than usual. But some new jewelry has been added.

The gratifying thing was that I finally bought myself a professional machine from abroad 🙂 I have not tried so much on it yet but it will be soon .

There will once be a small sale out on my birthday in December. People should be able to buy Christmas presents.

Since it’s next month Christmas, you can take the opportunity to buy some handmade personal customer jewelry ..
Added a sort of ring yesterday .. more to come …

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