Showing 47 Result(s)
New site ... new work

Flatbread festival – Tunnbrödsfestival

We will have a week of flatbread festival. Flatbread is one of Norrland’s / Sweden’s national food culture. I am the neighbor of a flatbread baker and now also have my workshop there. (A lot of things have happened here). We’ve talked several times about why that flatbread is not told so much in the …

New site ... new work

I have put together a collection “Music”

Slowly but surely I have put together a collection “Music” This one now contains necklaces, two different kinds of earrings. One hanging and another bouncing. And even now, the ring has been added there. The G key is the main one. I had already done 2 years since the necklace, then they came stud earrings …

New site ... new work

Now I’m done with this new version of “Apple Blossom”.

Yes, it has taken some time to get started on doing what I promised … but now it’s done. The whole new version of “Apple Blossom” with precious stones in the middle. This time I chose Tourmalines in two different shades. Pink and Yellow. If anyone is interested in any of these jewelry in that …

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